Local Authority Policy Development

Local authority planning and housing departments need to know whether their plans and strategies are viable. A range of studies including Whole Plan Testing and Affordable Housing studies can be carried out to test the robustness of the policy position. Projects carried out by AGA of this nature can be accessed…click to view.

CIL Viability Studies

The Community Infrastructure Levy has provided an option for local authorities to deliver physical, environmental and social infrastructure in a fixed payment (per sq m) rather than being negotiated through Section 106. The rate has to be tested in order to show that the Levy is viable. CIL Viability studies completed by AGA are shown…click to view.

Best practice

Both public and private sectors seek best practice in order to deliver housing in sufficient quantity and of an appropriate nature. In particular the delivery of Affordable Housing requires sound guidance both from policy makers as well as those involved on site. Examples of this type of work can be seen at…click to view.

Development Appraisal Software

There are a number of industry standard models utilised for the assessment of viability alongside individual ‘stacks’ used by developers and builders. Dr Andrew Golland, supported by Dr Adam Watkins has developed a range of bespoke Toolkits for local authorities as well as the Greater London Authority. Toolkits for England and Wales are listed here…click to view.

Local Authority Viability Assessments

Policies are important for establishing the planning authority’s position. However, because of viability challenges not all sites can meet these positions. Local authorities therefore assess at a scheme specific level. Examples of scheme specific assessments from around England and Wales are set out here…click to view.

Major schemes

Scheme assessments tend generally to be smaller to medium. However, larger schemes almost always need assessment. These tend to be SUEs (Sustainable Urban Extensions) and large regeneration schemes. There are particular assessment challenges here with respect to development mix and phasing which require clear analysis. Major schemes assessed by AGA are given in the link…click to view.

Developer appraisals

Developers undertake development appraisals for a range of reasons including assessing the residual value of schemes for the purpose of site purchase or option, for understanding better the impact of development mix and density on a scheme and for the purpose of understanding the impact of Affordable Housing on schemes. Projects of this nature have been carried out by the company and are shown here…click to view.

Housing Land Availability Studies

These studies (formerly ‘Urban Capacity Studies’) look to assess the potential with a local authority area for additional housing supply. This necessitates not only the identification of housing potential but also the testing of sites for viability. Studies of these nature previously carried out are linked here…click to view.


Conference papers and presentations by Dr Golland are shown here…click to view.


Local authorities, developers, housing associations and planning consultancies can sometimes benefit from training in areas where they are looking to upskill. Sessions covering the principles of viability, the key inputs, the software and scheme examples can assist greatly in the process. Dr Golland’s scope of training experience is shown here…click to view.


Local plans and related polices are subject to public examination. A list of some examinations are shown here…click to view.


Books written by Dr Golland on housing development are listed here…click to view.